First IPA - Brew 001

My first IPA and first brew. The base recipe comes from the Dutch book Verander water H2O in bier written by Adrie Otte and adjusted for my Speidels Braumeister 20L PLUS.

Recipe: IPA 2017
Brewer: Rene
Style: India Pale Ale
Type: All Grain
Taste: (30,0)

BeerSmith file: firts-IPA.bsmx

Recipe Specifications

  • Boil Size: 27,75 l
  • Post Boil Volume: 24,75 l
  • Batch Size (fermenter): 23,00 l
  • Bottling Volume: 22,00 l
  • Estimated OG: 1,059 SG
  • Estimated Color: 26,2 EBC
  • Estimated IBU: 33,2 IBUs
  • Brewhouse Efficiency: 75,00 %
  • Est Mash Efficiency: 79,9 %
  • Boil Time: 90 Minutes


Amt Name Type # %/IBU
2,60 kg Pale Ale (Dingemans) (7,0 EBC) Grain 1 43,9 %
2,60 kg Pilsen (Dingemans) (3,0 EBC) Grain 2 43,9 %
0,60 kg Munich (Dingemans) (120,0 EBC) Grain 3 10,1 %
0,12 kg Special B (Dingemans) (350,0 EBC) Grain 4 2,0 %
27,40 g Amarillo [8,90 %] - Boil 60,0 min Hop 5 22,4 IBUs
20,00 g Cascade [7,10 %] - Boil 20,0 min Hop 6 7,9 IBUs
16,60 g Cascade [7,10 %] - Boil 7,0 min Hop 7 2,9 IBUs
25,00 g Cascade [7,10 %] - Boil 0,0 min Hop 8 0,0 IBUs
21,60 g Amarillo [8,90 %] - Boil 0,0 min Hop 9 0,0 IBUs
1,0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) Yeast 10 -
30,00 g Amarillo [8,90 %] - Dry Hop 6,0 Days Hop 11 0,0 IBUs
30,00 g Cascade [7,10 %] - Dry Hop 6,0 Days Hop 12 0,0 IBUs

Mash Schedule

Braumeister 3 step lager 75% efficiency Total Grain Weight: 5,92 kg

Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
Add malt pipe Add 26,91 l of water and heat to 65,0 C 65,0 C 0 min
Protein Mode Heat to 65,0 C over 5 min 65,0 C 40 min
Maltose mode Heat to 72,0 C over 5 min 72,0 C 20 min
Saccharification Heat to 78,0 C over 5 min 78,0 C 5 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 6,77 l water at 78,0 C